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HBPL Seed Library: Home

HBPL cardholders can use their card to “check out” up to 6 seed packets per month.

What is the Seed Library


HBPL Seed Library provides seeds to HBPL cardholders.  Patrons can check out up to 10 seed packets per month to grow in their home gardens.  At the end of the season, we encourage you to let a few plants go to seed and donate the seeds back to the seed library for others to use. This creates a sustainable and diverse stock of seeds for our community to use. 

Most seeds provided are purchased through our library's program funding. Seeds of Change has generously donated a variety of lettuces, roots, herbs, etc. Any packet marked "Seeds of Change" on the packing label is USDA Certified Organic. Most Native California seeds are donated by Shipley Nature Center. In addition, some local native nurseries donate to our Native California collection. 

Although we do accept patron seed donations with gratitude, there is no guarantee that the seeds will be offered or appropriate for HBPL seed library. Please make sure that seeds are completely dry and sealed in an envelope or reclosable plastic bag and labeled clearly with the exact name of the plant.  For example: "Lettuce" is not labeled correctly.  A correct label would show what kind of lettuce is being donated such as "Buttercrunch Lettuce". Our volunteer seed librarians evaluate all donations in order to decide which seeds will be added to the seed library.

Seed libraries are at all HBPL locations and are seasonally stocked.  For more detailed information, "Local Links" and "Informational Resources" menus are located on the right side of this page.

We also provide classes on gardening and seed saving.  All of these services are free.

Let's grow things!

Upcoming/Ongoing Events


Middle School and High School aged teens can earn up to 3 hours per month year round by helping our seed library grow. For more information, please visit our Teen Space page located at the following link:


~Fall, winter, spring and year round seeds are now in our stock. Keep an eye out for seasonal flowers, herbs, roots and vegetables and, of course, the seed librarian's pick drawer filled with limited stock offerings. We have also added some USDA Organic Seeds generously donated by Seeds of Change (packs are labeled "Seeds of Change" on the bottom left-hand corner of the label card).

Visit any HBPL location to see what's come in. 

How To Borrow Seeds

It's easy to borrow seeds from HBPL's Seed Library!
  • Visit Central Library. The Seed Library is located by the Information Desk on the main floor.
  • Choose up to 10 seed packets per month.
  • Take your seed packets to the Information Desk right next to the seed library. Library staff will check the seeds out for you.
  • If no one is at the Information Desk, take the seeds to the Borrower Services Desk and they will check them out to you.
  • You don't need to return the same seeds (or any seeds, but we encourage it!). There are no due dates and you will never accrue any late fees.
  • Repeat every 30 days.

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Thank You!

Huntington Beach Public Library
7111 Talbert Ave. Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Phone 714-842-4481