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Makerspace: Sewing

Find all of our favorite links for making.

DIY Fabric Gift Bag

Sewing Resources (Click on Title below)

Making and Using Masks

Caution- The mask, made by plans on this site, is not rated for disease control. The Center for disease control (CDC ) has provided the following information regarding homemade face masks:  The role of the facemasks is for patient source control to reduce contamination of the surrounding area when a person coughs or sneezes.  Patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 should wear a face mask until they are isolated in a hospital or at home. Most face masks do not effectively filter small particles from the air and do not prevent leakage around the edge of the mask when the user inhales. 

Our Equipment

Making Potholders

Huntington Beach Public Library
7111 Talbert Ave. Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Phone 714-842-4481